RESPonsible Elephant Conservation Trust

Courtesy visit to Minister of Tourism, Culture & Environment

by | Jul 9, 2021 | Updates | 0 comments

The team of RESPECT led by Mr Alexander Yee had a fruitful meeting with YB Datuk Christina Liew, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment. He briefed the Minister and her team regarding RESPECT’s objectives and work on 21st Jan 2020.

RESPECT received full support from her.

Seen below (L-R): Mr Augustine Tuuga, Director of Sabah Wildlife Department, Mr Jamili Nais, Permenant Secretary of the Ministry, YB Datuk Christina Liew, Mr Alexander Yee, Chairman of RESPECT, Datuk Dr John Payne, trustee, Mr Eddie Chia (operation manager) and Mr Fong Ming San, trustee.